Sunday, January 23, 2011

For every door.

I assisted at a photoshoot yesterday for my friend Chelsie Moore.  There were a lot of old parts and pieces of doors and cars all around so on a break I took some pictures and this was one of my favorites.

This door was laid in the middle of the yard and was covered in snow. As i was walking around looking for something to take pictures of, the light shown through the tree onto the door and was to beautiful to resist.

In life there are many doors that are both opened and closed and no matter how old or dirty the door may be there is still some beauty in it. No matter how hard something in your life is or how horrible an experience is try and find the beauty, the good in everything.

I try to live life to the fullest with my eyes wide open to different possibilities.  I am not a perfect person nor have I led a perfect life, but I do try and find the good in everything and everyone.  Where will your next door take you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another year older

Today is my baby sisters 20th birthday.  Not much of a baby anymore, I know, but it's crazy thinking of her as anything but.  We have been through so much together and to think that she isn't a teenager anymore is a little scary to me.  Time moves so quickly nowadays.

I mean it seems like only yesterday we were two little girls playing dress-up and irritating our parents.  This picture was taken 4th of July a few years back (I think she was 18) and we were having a blast.  

So much has changed even in the last two years and so much more will change as time continues.  I mean this year alone I will be getting a new house, getting married and who know what else.  Well, here's to a great year!